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Ah, how quickly IGN turns from the most respected site on the internet to the most despised.

It's ironic how much these posts would have differed had that review been about Gears of War 2. Were this game not exclusive, most of you would write it off because of this preview. Let me repost a little something I wrote recently, and this thread proves I was totally on point:

The thing is, most of these sites have some huge mistake they've made that has made the PS3 fanbase totally distrust and hate them.

Once you lose the PS3 fanbase, you lose generalized opinion. You lose positive stories on N4G, and gain negative ones. The PS3 fanbase is definitely the most influential on the internet, that's one thing about those guys.

Gametrailers has the game compraison controversy.

Gamespot has the Gerstman firing and the Rachet/Princess scores.

Xplay has the Core Crisis review.

IGN has been very careful not to rock the boat with the Sony fans. That, at least, has been a smart move from a PR standpoint. Screw Sony fans over once, and you're done. I've actually seen sigs of Sony fan avatars pissing on Eurogamer and Edge magazine, lol.

If you're on top, you've got to appease certain audiences. You can't even have the appearance of improperiety. You can't afford to underscore games when you're an early reviewer. In the gaming media, standards are a bad thing. The more you shill, the more popular you are.

I was so epically right about every word of that, that I seriously should have some groupies, just based off the excellence of that post. It was so....inciteful.

Were this preview positive(I haven't read it), it would be being touted to the heavens as confirmation of a AAA game. Since it isn't(confirmation), IGN simply must be wrong, and stupid to boot?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.