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@ Torillian

indeed..ofcourse we'd love a full Wii game over a port

honestly..besides the Wii line..what other true Wii games have we seen?

not many SMG, SSBB, LoZTP, MP3 were ALL in production before the devs knew it would use motion controls..and were then PORTED over with minor changes..and mostly graphical

some MP3...since it IS an FP action game..the controls stand out the for the rest?....

honesly..there aren't many true Wii games you heard..Nintendo JUST started themselves: next Zelda, Mario, Pikmin etc

we can already SEE a great Wii game coming from Nintendo: Punch Out

but honestly...FFCC:CB is coming..why not play FFCC:MlaaK?

that is a true Wii game..from SE *shrugs* I think some people overreact

1. if it's only for DS: "SE!! stop hogging DS, give Wii some luv!"

2. it's ported to try and fill the gap:"Damn you SE!! we don't want ports!"