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KylieDog said:
DeotoxSlayer said:

So I've narrowed my choices down to 3 games.

1.) Resistance 2
2.) Valkyria Chronicles
3.) Prince of Persia

The main reason i'm still undecided is because I love JRPGS because of their stories so that makes me want to get Valkyria Chronicles but I played the Demo and although I love it I seemed pretty bad at the game play. So i'm not sure if I wanna buy it.

Prince of Persia looks like it'll be a lot of fun and have a good story but its seems like itd be rather short with little to no replay value and I really dont want to pay full price for that.

Resistance 2 looks like it'll be lots of fun with lots of replay value because of the online mode and a decent story but it seems just like every other shooter out there.

So I guess you guys could convince me one of the three ways.



If you don't have other shooters why not Resistance 2?


True. I guess that is something to think about.....

I've narrowed my choices again =D

I'll either get

1.) Valkyria Chronicles
2.) Resistance 2

Anyone can jump in and convince me either way =X