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BenKenobi88 said: If only Wii Play didn't suck so hard...
Wii Play's fun. What are you talking about? It's perfect when you want a quick in & out gaming fix. It took me about 4 months to beat Zelda (work a full-time job). And though I loved playing it (boy did I love it) there were times when I wasn't in the mood nor had the time to escape into that detailed fantasy world. Your mind has to be in the right place to enjoy games like Zelda or else you won't enjoy it as much and not appreciate the story and happenings like you should (I think this is why some people didn't appreciate Zelda. You don't rush through Zelda. You let it marinate). You have to dedicate a day or a good portion of the day to play parts of Zelda to get any reasonable satisfaction. On the other hand games like Wii Play allow me to have an old-fashioned no-backstory, no build-up, no heavy focus kind of gaming experience. I might just want to crank up my Wii for 10 minutes just to see how I can do on Find Mii or Billiards. Maybe I have plans that day & I have downtime while waiting on the proper time to take care of that day's activities. Maybe I squeeze in a skosh of Wii Play before I have to take care of daily business. It's not that the games are mindless per se but they tax the brain less & allow you to have simple straightforward fun for as long or as little you want. I have DBZ: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 & while the game's fun as hell there are times I'm not into all that complexity & frenzy. I try to play Wii Sports' Fitness Test at least once a week. Usually multiple times a week. Some weeks I'm not in the mood for any games and only want to play a short session at best. The Fitness Test gives me a quick in & out whetting of the palate. The Wii-style games will sell consistently like this for a long period because they are the most accessible and the easiest to rejoin with during ownership of the system. I tend to play my Wii games the most (not counting those long 8 hour, 12 hour periods when I was in the midst of playing Zelda) To each his own, but the Wii title games will sell like this for a very long time (perhaps all year long) in Japan and elsewhere in the world. They are basically the personification of the Wii console itself. Nintendo paid attention to the Japanese market & social structure first when designing their DS & Wii systems, that's why they've become so successful lately. With consoles you pay attention to Japan first and foremost THEN you adjust this strategy to other parts of the world. Aging Japanese population and decreasing childbirth rates is a theme that rings true in America, Europe, other lands as well. Remember the so-called baby boomers? I've read this morning about the controversy in Germany with trying to persuade people to have more children. John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot