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Website Topics - Japan is up - View Post

lazyrider said:
Ail said:
The Wii doesn't seem to be as dominating in Japan as it was 6 months ago were it used to routinely outsell PS3 + Xbox360 by a 3-5 factor...

And yes, it is shaping like Wii peak in Japan will actually be the first year it was released...

Wii has been struggling for some time now to live up to the great numbers posted last year. However, I think it is a little premature to call yet (ie it peaked last year). When we see what Monster Hunter did to the PSP this year, who knows what it could do to the Wii... And Japan is pretty volatile market so anything can happen (looking at the coming months though, one would be hard pressed not to think that PS3 has the brightest short term future).



Could be, though I thought it took MH3 AND a redesign to boost PSP sales, but we will see, still I am doubtfull that the Wii will be able to repeat its first year ( but it could have several years like this year, which really wasn't a bad year for the Wii there).


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !