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I hope that Emil grows a set of balls. I mean Marta was annoying to me at first but she at least seems to be evolving as character. Just look at at how Marta handles the Collette situation. Emil can't seem to grasp why people like Lloyd and believes Lloyd over him. Hmm....lets see, oh he saved the entire planet two years ago. If you want to be technical he saved two worlds. I know he thinks Lloyd killed his parents. That is why I was giving him the benefit of the doubt for so long, but its hard to enjoy an RPG when you dislike the lead.

Thankfully Tenebrae is with you at all times. He, along with the rest of the game's cast seems solid. Richter seems cool. Even that sadist Alice is fun to interact with. I just hope that Emil become bearable in the next few hours of the game. Well it was great seeing Zelos again. They really did a good job on his character model.

BTW: Great sig Torillian