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^lol exactly. It never ceases to amaze me how all the haters ALWAYS talk about as if a particular format is limited to one purpose, as if Blu-ray was invented just for movies. Gimme a break, lol. And I'm even more surprised to read such pedestrian comments on this forum, this videogame site, 'cause it should be the more obvious new formats are also about , a LOT about GAMES. Are you all that naive to think we're so away from having games that will DEMAND a better quality format than DVD9? oh please, don't insult yourselves talking about multiple DVDs, just save it. And here's a little link that could, maybe, give you a little idea of where this blu-ray thing is going...

And to think many "analysts" as well as nerds all over the internet talk about the demise of physical formats. It's not gonna happen. Reasons? Companies who make the formats and run the show, and MONEY.