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This is an awsome thread to show why Blu-ray is the best choice in this format war. Right know HD-DVD is basically at its max for storage, with 15GB more coming sometime down the road. So this little problem will never be solved with HD-DVD as the format of choice. The price would come down, that is a given. As more people by in to the format the chances for higher sales come which equals lower prices.

The nice thing about Blu-ray is it will one day have 150GB more room on each disc. That means that If Blu-ray becomes the format of choice not only will you see a price drop, but also a reduction of disc's throughout the life. George Lucas said that he would like to re-release all Six Star Wars films on 2 disc's by 2009. Some how I don't think this is possible unless it happens on Blu-Ray.Also Blu-Ray has a higher standared bit rate72Mbps compared to 48Mbps on HD-DVD. This gives it the ability to add more features over its lifetime than HD-DVD can. Basically Sony is trying to give consumers the same thing that is great about the Playstation in their optical disk format. They are makeing a product that will last a long time, and get better over the years. How can anyone not like a product that grows over time? I guess I will never know.

Their is one thing I am starting to fear in this format war though. With the current move by Paramount Isee a huge problem coming. With the strong stance Disney has in the Blu-ray market, and the inevitable success of the PS3 Blu-ray is here to stay. Now if this added support helps out HD-DVD enough HD-DVD will also be here to stay. I see a good posibility of jan 2009 having 30M blu-ray players and 20M HD-DVD players. At this point both formats will almost have to stay. This creates a few huge problems for the Movie industry, and leaves them with 3 options.

1. All studios support both formats, and you have the upper class people with the higher quality Bluray, and the lower class with HD-DVD.
2. They continue on the same path with to equaly priced formats, selling neck and neck, and noobs will get dual players, while current supporters will have to have 2 players.
3. They drop one of the formats and piss off a user base at least the size of the original Xbox.

In cases 1 & 2 movie prices will never be as low as they could be because everyone is not making a standard format, therefore, to little mass production. In case 3 on of the 2 sides is going to be pissed and many will stop buying movies, and worst case scenerio HD-DVD is the one that goes on.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams