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I agree with the OP, this is one of the best platformers in recent years... it's not really revolutionary, and the wiimote isn't "fully used", but the graphics, the music, the gameplay, everything blends very smoothly... it's easy to finish the game, but not easy at all to complete the game 100%, some challenges in the last stages are really hard to get... it's a game i'll play again and again, lots of replay value...

The only bad point of the game is the multiplayer: i really think they missed an opportunity there, a great multiplayer mode plus an online mode, and the game could have been in the 90+ scores... i'd give it 8.5, and i hope an even better sequel will be made if this one has legs...


"A beautiful drawing in 480i will stay beautiful forever...

and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."