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Not a lot of new info, but a good interview none the less

"Infamous is an open-world game filled with stuff to discover as you poke around Empire City. People are getting mugged and attacked all around you -- whether you decide to do anything about it or not. We call this "the crime ecosystem." However, story missions are tailored to deliver a cinematic superhero experience."

"Not all of Cole's powers are about blasting people's faces in, just most of them."

"The biggest challenge was getting Cole's climb ability to work just right. We'd promised ourselves that the whole city was going to be scalable. This is, as you might imagine, a hard promise to live up to, but now that it all works, it was clearly worth all the effort. Being able to smoothly skulk along the rooftops and then jump down onto the heads of a bunch of bad guys is great. You really feel like a superhero. "

"Just this afternoon while playing the game, I pissed off a bunch of people, and they banded together into a mob and tried to stone me to death. Ultimately it didn't end well for them, but I admired their courage."

And new screenshots to boot: