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Below are some points Sony need to do in 2009 that could turn this generation around for them and they could again dominate the market like in the previous two generations :

1) $100 price cut early next year.It could be $50 in the starting and another $50 in the holiday season but a full $100 in the starting would help them hugely as PS2's launch price was $299 and it was a huge success.We don't know if a full $100 in the starting of the of the year will bring more loses to Sony on each console as they are working very hard to reduce the price of the console.It could also bring them profits.

Think inflation. Do you know how much $299 is in present day dollars? Check this out -

It would come in like $399 today - the same price as the 40gb.

2) Money For Trophies - we don't get money for Achievements on LIVE (360 and PC)

3) Sony takes back multi-platform market

How - look at the software sales - the 360 has been leading for the entire time. Sure, it's sitting at 30 percent, but most of the high-high software sales are on the 360. Sony has to prove they can get more sales than the 360 in order to shut them down. And I can tell you, based on the fact the 360 has maintained the software lead for nearly 3 years, I don't think Sony can stop that domination unless an act of God is involved.

4) MMO’s On Consoles! The End Of Monthly Fees?

It can do that - but who/what is going to pay for them? A free lunch is a limited affair.

5) 360 Has A New Hit Goodbye Ninja Gaiden

There are many weapons in the 360's barn besides Ninja Gaiden.

6) Release of all the blockbuster tittle that are yet to come to the PS3 that are GT5,FF13,FF13 Versus,God of War 3,Uncharted 2,Infamous,Mag,Heavy Rain.

And this will generate sales? Most of those are niche titles - with 3 of them unproven IPs. It reminds me of posts back in the day that went like 'Wait until Lair. Wait until Heavenly Sword. Wait until Little Big Planet. Wait until SOCOM.' It's like a broken record. What made the PS2 awesome? Exclusives. And when you look at the top selling videos games on the PS2, GTA is at the top. Not Gran Turismo - not God of War - not SOCOM, but GTA. And it went multiplatform. It's about making money - and having a price, under $299, to really get interested parties to the table.


Also the PS2 success could help them cause a lot of PS2 owners are waiting for the PS3 to be cheaper

This is the real point I want to address. Guess what - without BC, the PS2 owner gets the same thing he/she would get with a 360 - games that won't play their PS2 games. Why should someone have brand loyalty when the company which touted brand loyalty tossed it aside? Just because a game appeared and sold well on the last gen doesn't mean those folks will automatically pick up the new system this go-round. At least with the 360, gamers (if they want LIVE, they'll have to pick up a hard drive now or a huge memory card) have limited software BC. Yeah, play a lot of Xbox games on your system if you are not feeling the current lineup. Is the BC perfect? Nah - even Sony laughed it off - but guess what - it's the only HD console in town that offers BC off the shelf - unless you find an old 20gb or 60gb hard drive.