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noname2200 said:
Great post, BrainBox. It definitely gives me something to mull over.

And your comparison between Sega and Microsoft seems especially apt in light of how many top Sega of America executives formed the nucleus of the Xbox division.

Before I posted here, I posted a lot at Lot of the 360 fans there were also big SEGA fans. One even viewed the orginal XBOX as the second Dreamcast. Even supported his claim with the fact that exclusive to the XBOX was Shenmue 2, a Jet Set Radio game and a Panzer Dragon game. Disolitude seems to fit this mold has he's a huge SEGA fan and seems to favor the 360 over the other two 7th gen consoles.

Guess that's another piece to the "hardcore" gamers not liking Nintendo puzzle. One batch of them are fans to Nintendo's former rival. It was actually a big reason to why I left, as it became more like Wii vs. as time rolled on.