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I have to give a round of applause towards Microsoft and Nintendo, Nintendo clearly won this generation, there is no doubt about it. Black Friday is only the start of it, the next 2-3 weeks will be total Nintendomination in North America, Not mentioning the rest of the world.

Microsoft played it well, between the Price-Cuts, NXE, and Netflix in America? Microsoft has rooted itself in NA very well and deserves to win this holiday, they worked very hard towards it, and I only hope to see a counter-attack from sony.

As for Sony, I really hope they step up to the plate very soon, a Price-Cut, Home, and a Couple new Features on the PS3 would be a vast improvement agaist the Xbox. Playstation 3 NEEDS to be competitive now, theres no time for "maybe next month" or "maybe next year". The time for waiting is over, long over.
If they don't do anything, Microsoft will coast the rest of the generation and that's terrible for the gaming community, since that means Microsoft won't need to be innovative or creative with their marketing to achieve anything.

I really hope Sony can achieve its market share back, really I do. All 3 companies support each other, and they all need their profits.

~ Night

Why must JRPG female leads suck so bad?