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Pristine20 said:
You make me want LBP. I'm not a fan of platformers though so I'm still undecided.


 I love the game not because I am a fan of platformers, because I can tell you now that I am not.

What makes it so fun are nights like lastnight with me and Blazinhead89 on PSN. Running through the ICO user created level. While trash talking him about his noobishness he continually fails to make the most simple jump because he too buy trying to trash talk me. He would laugh at me, then go and jump, only to plummet to his death. I was laughing my ass off literally.

I would extend a bridge and then as I tried to run across, here is Sir Noobalot once again up to his sneaky old ways, pulling the bridge back as I ran, causing me to run right off the edge. Then dance with his Sackboy on that very same bridge just to poke fun.

Seriously, my favorite game this gen by leaps and bound. Only game I have ever played for more hours in my history of gaming was Diablo 2. If this game could keep track of time played, I would easily be around the 300 hour mark easy. Half of that before finally deciding to make a level, which was never my thing, but it fun here because you can think of so many sneaky traps and such to implement into your level design.

At least rent the game for a week and play it all week, you just may want to make a purchase.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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