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BengaBenga said:

MGS was on gamecube in a pretty good remake. Still baffles me it didn't sell well.

FFVII on PC is probably the worst port ever to be released. Don't play the PC version unless you're forced to.

No ad campaign. Despite Nintendo footing the entire bill for the games production costs, Konami gave the game marketing support. They didn't want the game affect MGS3's sales. No I'm not making that up. They actually said that nonsense. MGS3 was releases anywhere from 8 months to a full year after MGS:TS depending on which region of the globe you reside in.

I owned and played MGS2 on my PS2, but my best friend had it for X-box. The X-box port was decent but not great. The game has slowdown in some of the cinematics.

I played FFVII on both the PS1 and PC. I finished FFVII twice on PS1. The second playthrough was to get everything I missed the first go around. First Final Fantasy game I didn't like. I had been thinking of getting a copy on PC on the cheap to see if I'd like the game better  a third time around. Despite the game being a couple years old at the time and my PC well exceeding the requirements the game still ran poorly. The worse thing was the game was more awful than I remembered. That was a waste of $10, thankfully it was not my $10 bucks and my best friends