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yushire said:
Tuulikk said:
yushire said:
I HOPE SO... But then even some third parties are anticipating this. SEGA and Namco Bandai was one of them. There'll be a big turnaround this coming year, if not then whats these overwhelming sales of the Wiis? Dont tell me that those Wiis sold are just for casuals.

But still... I think HVS shouldnt be overconfident that somehow they can sell The Conduit to be over a million in course of the year like Halo and Gears did. Unless they have new things that added to make the game special.


Some people buys Wii for core games, Nintendo games, because everyone does it and then don't play on it, for Wii Fit, for party games, for other casual games, for their kids and so on.What happens then and when is the interesting thing.


Now I must sleep, my brain is shutting down. :) I'll write more when I wake up! Thanks for the discussion!



 38 million Wii owners so far are mostly casuals? Naah... Impossible. Ninty could cater the casuals for how long, but it doesnt mean that most Wii owners are core gamers either. I think wii userbase are divided right now, thats why some core games and casual games have legs and not fronloaded. As term stof used endloaded. So it only means that The conduit will not have frontloaded week sales but definitely not become flopped and have decent sales.



Haha. :) The Casuals part was hust a joke. The rest of my post is what I ment. :)