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Ehm, since this is about anecdotal evidence here's my story:

I've been playing Mass Effect a lot lately, but still played Shaun White Snowboarding on Wii more.

Really, some people are so worried about the Wii that they have to come up with all this nonsense about "dust gathering". Sure there will be people whose Wii's are gathering dust, but for most people there is more then enough extremely good content to feed the blue light once every while.

I keep saying this but Wii offers a huge collection of retro games which a lot of gamers will love. The graphics issue is overblown, I think most people want to play great games and graphics are only a part of the experience.

And like stof said: there have been loads of big budget games coming out for the HD consoles lately. Let's see next year when a lot of Wii exclusive core games release how multi-console owners divide their game time.