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theprof00 said:
that is my case in point ringo. Who is to say that you are the one using knowledge?

1. On a side note, I would like to see the people who used knowledge that this scenario would happen after the gamecube despite the wii pretty much upending every single analyst and investor.

2. Also as a side note, thousands upon thousands of people use very well documented and well founded evidence all the time are are proven wrong time and time again by the way things turn out.

3. Also: some of the biggest and most important/in depth science predictions are/were based on faith lol.
Hell quantum physics is pretty much all "if, then" based.


1. Sean Malstrom is well known, and even though many would disagree with some of his points and predictions, he did predict Nintendo's success, and he backed up his prediction with reasons rooted in business theory. Here's another:

He guards himself against actually predicting success (another one wary of absolutes), but he does understand how Nintendo's strategy could lead to great success.

Edit: I could also add that having all this knowledge doesn't mean that it is applied correctly. You make the same mistake as much of the industry by using the Gamecube as a predictor of Wii's success. People should have been using the DS as the predictor of how Wii would perform.

2. This is a matter of our knowledge being incomplete. Nowhere did I assert that past knowledge is complete, since it would be absurd to suggest that humans have ever been omniscient. I only asserted that past knowledge is all we have to make reasonable predictions, and anything else is useless guesswork.

3. I think you're confusing theory for faith. A theory is based on past experiences and observations and then experiments are usually designed to support the veracity of the theory. I doubt you'd find many physicists who agree with your assertion that quantum physics is based on faith rather than rigorous mathematics and experimentation.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.