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I don't just play games for what you call fun. I play games for enjoyment, which is where story and great graphics comes in, the more I feel more immersed in the game, the more enjoyable it is to me. In Call of Duty when you finally break their line, or when you come to the end of a long fight in Gears of War 2, it feels that much better because you are connected to the game by the storyline, the characters and the graphics. When I finished Uncharted it felt that much better because you feel connected to the characters. Games are not just mindless fun as you seem to think and want, they can draw you in and make you enjoy them even more. You may prefer those which are just mindless fun, no story or anything, but personally I do not feel compelled to buy them because they are not going to entertain me for a long time

About online, there are 14m PSN accounts, and while many may be duplicates, I would still say that most HD console users are connected online

On the topic of achievements, they do add to my enjoyment of the game. I could say I have completed Fable II, or I could tell them to look at my 1000/1000! It is that much more satisfying when you defeat the Germans to get a gold trophy for it show that you have completed the game. Finish Gears of War 2 on Insane allowed me to prove to people that I am a good gamer (nobody has to know how precisely I did it...)