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Brand Name:
Sony is top most known brand. Psychology proves that the greater the brand recognition, the greater the product sells.

Sony invested heavily in BR, more than any other company, and needed to win the format war in order to turn a profit. PS3 systems will turn the tide of the format war towards BR.

Having such a large amount of sales for the ps1 and the ps2, Sony will be able to eke out numerous sales based solely on the success of previous generations.

Cell Chip:
PS3 will be the first time the cell debuts on a world stage, and demonstrates a monstrous amount of raw computating power. This will lead to both military and private contracts. As seen by the folding at Home project, PS3's have outperformed almost the entire world.

Home theater:
With not only the best next-gen digital video quality, but also next-gen sound quality, The PS3 solidifies its place among Home theater enthusiasts, keeping Sony in the Living Room, where it wants to plant a flag.

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