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1. No, videogames aren't art. They're supposed to be entertainment. Just because you like some game, doesn't make it art, it makes the game entertaining.
As far as art goes, there are artists making the games and art should be defined as a way of self-expression.
Also, you can't ignore games being business (you can try by making your own studio and try to make art. Like Dyack).

2. Wiis online extends beyond games and WiiConnect24 is maybe the most powerful feature we've seen so far on consoles. Besides, 360 doesn't even have a web browser, that alone makes Wiis online much more useful than 360:s online.

3. And the first thing mentioned was Wii...
The OP could have been put into a shorter form: stupidity annoys me, since the OP really pointed out the stupidity on different videogame sites and how they miss everything important, which contradicts their view. There's not going to be a "Wii HD", Nintendo isn't going to follow what M$ and Sony did this gen etc...

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.