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What was sony's original strategy with the ps3? What were they specting?

Sony didnt know before launch that the wii was going to be a success, what was sony specting from what was on the market at the moment? The 360 was out and they knew how it performed, good graphics, easy to develop for, etc.

Well ill present the elements that should have been taken into account by sony at the moment of launch and the results.        



The ps3 is US$600

       Budget constrained fan wont buy, fan will  loss of interest, fan's will go for the cheaper similar product  

the cells complex

      Dev have to invest more to get the same results as the 360 for better result they need to invest more, hard to    code, not good for game design, event they first party is taking years to produce a "quality" game, the game that where rushed didnt sell and didnt move consoles, third parties go to 360 to reduce cost and sell more, restricted the price reduction capacity per year

Dev kits

      Dev kits where provided late, slower at compiling, not efficient at debugging

Competition had a lead

      Dev make more money based on user base so the 360 already could move more software and publishers need buyers, and these consoles profit from third parties mainly

Blu ray

      The system is sold at  a lower price than its cost to make so those that buy it to use it as a blu ray player and dont buy games are making the company lose money, HD penetration is very low and hd is very expensive so this  feature only appeals to few buyers, restricted the price reduction capacity per year


 this from my point of view are things that sony should have known before the launch of the ps3 that's way i took the wii out of the scene, sony didnt knew that before launch. i have written what happen but, what was sony specting from this decisions?? they say the US$600 was an strategic price, well if the strategy was not to sell the ps3 it was an  excellent strategy. Anyway what was their plan, what was supposed to happen according to their calculation????


dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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