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Tuulikk said:
yushire said:

Because there are other good games on the system this year and the coming year to wait to other than the conduit? And there are good FPS games already system sure theyre not AAA, or even A maybe B but how can we possibly knew that The Conduit is A?
Theres no reason to wait, the quality games are already here, we just dont noticed it. Of course, it doesnt mean we dont have to buy the conduit but many people says "Im waiting for the conduit" than buy other games on the system I dont know why but thats whats their thinking.

Unless theres a multiplayer modes other than CTF like Sabotage, zombie mode, search and destroy, vehicles, online co-op, splitscreen multiplayer with bots, etc... then SURE wait for The Conduit even I want to wait and ignore other games on the system like COD WAW even the game was good but as far I dont see anything special on the Conduit.

I'm waiting for The Conduit to come out. But then again, I ain't a FPS gamer and I don't like War games much. But I think I might want Red Steel 2 even more then The Conduit.

It would be good for people to buy FPS games here and right now so COD WAW and QoS can get decent sales and not just die on 300 to 600k. They are probably good games and good games needs support on Wii. Most people has time to save up some money to buy The Conduit anyway, even if they do buy a FPS game now. Is that why you think people should not wait? And maybe that people could get disappointed by The Conduit when it finally comes and not buy a FPS game for Wii at all?

One problem is, The Conduit attracts people who don't like war games and ordinary FPS games. The Conduit will attract people who has more then one console and often buys their multiplatform games for the stronger console (as in not Wii). And the Conduit will attract people who don't own a current gen console yet and possible non hardcore gamers. And people who ordinary plays FPS games on Wii will get The Conduit. That by being different, by playing on the strong sides of The Wii Remote (the pointer), by wowing with having great graphics for being a Wii game, by having vocal developers daring to develope exclusive for Wii and trying their best in that timeframe they have.

I'm not saying that The Conduit will have great sales, but I'm saying that i think the game will have a bit different market than the current FPS games and that I think it will be a good thing if the people who buys FPS games for Wii and the possible others aswell also do it and that might lead to better sales. Like, expanding the market.

The problem with The Conduit is that it's a new IP, the news of it has to come out to as many people it can and so on. So we will see how it goes.

I just hope that HVS dont anticipate this game to sell for atleast over 300,000 in its first week though. We knew this is a new IP and we knew this game will have decent sales I just hope HVS  thinking the same way.


end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out