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--OkeyDokey-- said:
BengaBenga said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
BengaBenga said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:

Saying that HD consoles only have shooters is just as bad as saying that Wii only has shovelware.


Where did I say that?

I thought it was kind of implied with that last line... :/


Not at all.

I responded to the guy who said that the HD consoles where better based on the games. I think Wii can easily match (and surpass: lightgune - point & click - platformers - retro) most genres.
However shooters is the main genre where the Wii is clearly and utterly trumped. So that made me to ask the question whether the dude only considers shooters to be games, cause then he'd have a point.

Well, he does have a point, even though he made it in an unnecessarily trollish manner.

Wii is also falling behind in JRPG's (ToS: DotNW), WRPGS's, Strategy games (Fire Emblem), Fighters (Brawl), Racers (Mario Kart), Sandbox, Action (NMH), Stealth and... etc. :P
And these are much more popular and relevant genre's than point and click and lightgun...

Oh sure Wii is not THE system, neither is the 360 or the PS3. I never said that to be the case. However the ungoing dismissal of the Wii's library is pathetic. My reply was purely meant to show that there are lots of genres that ARE present on Wii.

WRPGs is definitely missing on Wii (I'm playing Mass Effect right now and it's one of the best games I ever played). For JRPGs it's sad, but it's sad on all consoles. 360 has some good games, but it's all pretty mediocre so far compared to last gen. Stealth as a genre is a bit over the top, and also not very present on HD. PS3 has MGS4 and that's about it (maybe Splinter Cell). Realsitic Racers is also very dire on Wii, but Mario Kart is an excellent racer, just as Brawl is an excellent fighter (I think the highest reviewed fighter this gen).
So everyone can make those lists but it really isn't so bad as everyone, including the "serious" media, points it out to be, that's all I wanted to say.

And for next year Wii has some amazing games. I mean if we call horror a genre Wii has two or three very promising games coming. Popularity of a genre doesn't matter to me. I love lightgun games, so I'm happy they're being relevant again.

@Rol: LOL!!!

@Esa: The VC is an incredible feature that no hc gamer should dismiss like you're doing.