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stof said:
A lot of people loved Assassin's Creed. Are you saying they're similar games in how they play? Or are you just saying that they're both games that... I don't know, Assassin's Creed sold very well, mixed reviews? Some people will like it more than others?

The Conduit is a great looking FPS Wii exclusive with Wii controls, online multiplayer and voice chat. So far there's been no reason to believe that it's a bad game. And there's been no attempts by the developer or game sites to position it as a gaming phenomenon.

There's been enough hands on time with the game that we'd know if it had an abysmal framerate. We similarly know that the controls are rock solid and that the configuration is unparalleled. You've said people might be disappointed with the graphics and the online. But we've already seen the graphics. In fact they're part of the reason there's so much interest in the game. And we know it will have 16 player online, voice chat and a collection of standard modes with one or two unique twists. Unless the game that ships has worse graphics than the game currently has and none of the modes promised, why would people be disappointed with it?

So wheres the sequel of AC then? Are Ubisoft planning for a sequel? And if they are... when? If its in 2009 they should announced it on E3 or in Leizpeig...

And about The Conduit, most Wii owners own a PS360 too especially the core owners. So what do they think that The Conduit was special? Is it because of the controls? Its already done in MOH: H2, is it because of the graphics? Ps360 was better, because of online? PSN and xbox live have better online than wi fi. So what?

Anyway, this game will be more benefited from only Wii core owners that not own a PS360 than most general Wii core owners... like me. But like I said, this game will not be special and for people that keeps hyping this game will be disappointed. If they really want a FPS online game better buy COD WAW or MOH: H2 for one thing, its 32 players online and no friend codes. And there are still 500 people playing online a day...




end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out