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I got 38 out of 68... in an effort to try to remember as many old school systems as i could i forgot THE WII ROFLMAO!!! Also took me like 20 tries to finally get it to recognize TurboGrafix-16 (i forgot the dash... so sue me why dontcha!) I also forgot the Neo-Geo Pocket

This list sucks cuz they include crap like the Pioneer LaserActive and the Mega Duck (WTF?) and even included the friggin Atari Flashback I and II as a game console even though they are basically the same as all those dozens of other self contained retro game systems packed in the shape of classic arcade sticks or atari joysticks.

Also, the list includes systems like the Sega Nomad and CDX which was a portable Genesis and an all in one Genesis/32x/CD, yet the list does does not contain the Sega CD or 32x themselves... even though they are not stand-alone systems they are still game systems nonetheless, and if they can stick stuff like the Atari Flashback on there they should have included those 2 as well.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.