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Well here's some good news that should reflect in the next couple of weeks' sales figures for CoD:WaW... I was it my local Best Buy yesterday (I avoid Black Friday at all costs) and they only had 2 copies of the Wii version of WaW left, while every other game had plenty of stock, and on top of that they are advertising WaW in this week's flyer along with Quantum of Solace and the Wii Zapper, which means they are getting another big shipment in this week and expect high sales of the game.

Also I stopped in my local Gamestop to see if there were any good deals on used GC/PS2 games, and i overheard an employee tell a customer that they were sold out of the Wii version of WaW, so sales should be good for the next couple of weeks, and I expect the game to have decent legs all through the holidays.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.