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clerk said:
Cool, I guess. Game should be played on PC, but Steam? Whateva!


If a person has a 6 year old PC and a new Xbox 360, should it still be played on PC? Does SSJ12 know the state of any of the computers that belong to the people he sold on this suggestion? I'm asking you.

Anyway, what you or SSJ12 think, isn't relevant here. What is relevant is a store clerk pushing ideology and opinion about products, negatively, upon the consumer. Nobody likes that. No person in the world, likes that. Not a single one.

It's not cool. It's why people hate gamestop. It's why I want to stab gamestop.

It's also selective. Why not recommend people buy Fallout or WaW on the PC instead of the PS3? Why not making that a mission in life, forcing opinions upon people who you are supposed to be serving.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.