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Kantor said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
I'm almost 100 percent sure that Gamespot gets more hits than IGN(and IGN are far larger than just videogames).

So, yes, far and away gamespot is the most popular, and the most read.

The most respected by our little clique?


Though, I dislike IGN. I feel their system based review teams lead to fanboyism and cop-outs like with the R2/G2 reviews.

It wasn't a cop out. Do you think somebody sent them a letter saying "Which is better, R2 or GeOW 2?"

If they did, they would probably get the standard reply "They are on different systems in different genres and cannot be compared"

Which is true, right? You can't compare 007: From Russia With Love to Halo, you can't compare Gran Turismo to MotorStorm. Of course, some people will prefer one, some the other.

The review system exists to compare games in the same genre. Not to settle a fanboy debate about how Xbox 360 shooter is better/worse than PS3 Shooter just because they happen to be released in the same week.

How was it a cop out? Those reviews were written by different people, each reviewer really liked the game they reviewed. I doubt they were on the phone saying "Hey, what did you give completely unrelated game so I know what score to give to game"

And you forgot about how IGN are anti-Nintendo morons for giving Wii Music a 5 (Let's forget about how they gave Super Mario Galaxy a 9.7, shall we?)


Whatever your opinion is, it can't change mine. It was a cop-out. Plain and simple. If you want to know how I think it happened, it's simple. The 360/PS3 teams like to compete with each other. They do. This is known. Pretty much across the hall workers, play games together, all this.

They know the review scores games are getting at least a day in advance, for the big ones(before the review is completely written, edited, and finalized).

R2 and Gears 2 were huge games and they certainly were all excited to know how they tacked up against each other.

How it went down:

PSEditor: What are you gonna give gears 2?

XbEditor: 9.5. You for R2?

PSEditor: 9.6, lol.

XbEditor: FU dude.

/discussion ensues, both teams decide that the games are equally as good as shooters, and non-comparable.

Thus, in the interest of continuation on the site, and to prevent the site from appearing biased(which ironically a cop out proves that they are biased), both games were given the generic round 9.5 score.

Continuity between scores so close together is important, and I guarntee you that more sites than IGN had continuity discussions about the R2/G2 review scores. Especially ones that round scores to the nearist half, like Gamespot.

That's my opinion. Something like that happened. Continuity was considered, and the games were tied, on purpose.

It was a cop-out and no amount of explaining, justifying, denying, or excusing can change the fact that both games getting 9.5 is a huge conincidence. The chances of that are 1 in 100. 1, bro, in 1f'n00.

One in 100 chance.

One chance, in 100.

The scores were tied on purpose. Obivously. The coincidence is too huge. IGN doesn't round to halfs. The scores were tied on purpose. obviously. Obvious. There is a 99 in 100 percent chance that I am right.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.