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Sqrl said:

Once again big companies don't get it...

Whether you like piracy or hate piracy it should be abundantly clear that DRMS neither works nor helps your cause in any way. It's bypassed by the real pirates and then you anger the public when it effects a legitimate owner and everyone finds out that you basically installed a virus on their computer...a virus they apparently paid for......

I'm probably going to wipe my machine now, seriously FU EA, I'm getting really tired of this BS and the more they do this the more I actually want to see their shit pirated.

And I was already dissapointed with the this?

/end rant

You may want to re-open your rant to include the highly dubious legality of any program that limits how many times you, the legitimate purchaser, may install it. I seriously want someone to challenge that law in court, because I'm pretty sure it violates several laws...