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Cueil said:
Million said:

This is where your argument trips up , the consumer doesn't know the difference between 3rd party ,2nd or 1st party titles in many cases they wont' even know a game is multiplatform (possibly due to the way it was advertised) . A libary consists of 3rd party ,2nd part and 1st party games at the end of the day , 3rd party support can be a significant influence I agree but that's only dependant on the level of 1st,2nd party support ,multiplatform games , other consoles , the quality of the 3rd party games in question.

The reason other people are telling you to include these other factors is because the signifiance (or insignificance) of strong 3rd party support becomes more apparent when considered against or with the other variables.

It's all good and well making a list of 3rd party titles which will clearly favour Microsofts strategy of pushing 3rd party support heavily on their platforms but Sony and Nintendo's ethos is different they tend to push internal development more .We're not trying to derail the thread when we say factor in "X" or "Y" but we are in fact doing the very opposite , trying the make the comparison a better quality one.

You fail epicly just like your favorite Naruto character Lee... the thread clearly states what this is about if you don't like the way he does it make your own thread... you'd think he kicked your dog and banged your mom and gf at the same time from the way some of you are reacting.  If you don't like it make your own thread with all the other stuff you think should be in here.

Hold on Cueil. Although I appreciate you coming to my defense (something that is rare around here) I think you picked on the wrong guy. Million is making a good and rare reasoned argument here, and not the usual kneejerk fanboy comment.

So please keep your vigilance, we'll need it. But let's save it to the posters who really deserve some sharp barbs.


Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3