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Kasz216 said:
DMeisterJ said:
The good thing about this thread is if you don't belive SSJ, the turnaround is pretty quick. NPD is in 10 days right? We'll see in 10 days if PS3 sales were really this good or not.

I don't think they're good, but ssj could be right and prove us all wrong.

Hey to be fair... i don't remember seeing any PS3's at the target by me.  Only place i was at gaming related today.

I just don't buy the "Pricecut" thing.

Unless the assistant manager was just an idiot.  They're not allowed to make those kind of decisions....

and besides.  Even at the prices Wal-Mart gets them at... 199 should still actually lose them money.

Oh trust me, I hate him. He is the reason I switched from the Dairy to being a Cashier. I got away from him because he is an idiot. If my co-manager was actually watching wtf was going on instead of talking with customers the price cut might not have happened but I think the price reduction ended with the other deals at 11am.. not sure I shopped at 9am.


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