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AKA pooperscooper said:
If you wont play that much then I don't see you spending the 4-7 dollars a month for online. In that case I can not recommend a 360.

I pay $30 a year for LIVE. That's under $3 a month.

Moving on, the new Arcades run on less wattage, much cooler for hours vs. the older 360s. Uninformed folks will keep saying 'RROD' but they are just blabbing nonsense. The fact of the matter is - the 360 is a bargain, has many good games for under $20 and has a ton of accessories? Look at the games - and ask yourself if you are crazy about the lineup. If you liked Fable, you'll love Fable 2. And Gears 2? It's sweet - but think about other games - you can find much cheaper version on the 360 than the PS3.

For me, I have all 3, but had I not been reviewing video games, I would have never gotten a PS3. I use it for Blu Rays and to review games, but the last games I purchased for the PS3 was several months ago. I like the PS3, but still think the 360 is a much better value overall.