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Katilian said:
your mother said:

Stuff about piracy.

While I've heard about the easier it is to pirate for a console the more likely for it to be more sucessful, I've never actually seen anything to back that up. I would love it if someone has any number on this at all (academic papers are fine with me too since I have access to most journals). It could just be a case that the more popular a console, the more likely it is to be hacked.

As for the whole steam/onle issue, how many people that pirate a game are actually that interested in playing online? Most (if not all) games that 'require' steam have ended up being able to be pirated, albeit only the single player game has been playable.



I think that could be very true... as for computer games... I'll be honnest I don't buy it anymore.... I do buy my console game though... for the online gaming....

So I think it could be true that console are getting the hackers voices if it's easier.... but it is harder to get around the XBL protection that finding a way to play online on computer... private servers and else for certain games.... I do think more games are being hacked for PC than console.... why??? because I think hardcore hackers hack them on both as much but people like (and they are a lot) do DL games on PC but don't bother puting a mod chip in their console (especially XB 360 if you want your warranty for the RRoD) or any other hack... on XB I don't know if it's actually a chip or just a firmware update for DVD drive... I actually never looked into it....  

so yeah I think casual downloader do DL games for PC but less for console...because like you said I know more gamers on PC (even if lately it tend to change among my friends) most of them DL for PC but most of them don't for consoles....

but I think everybody can agree that the sales of games on console is increasing faster than the one for PC.... so for devs it's becoming more interesting financialy speaking to develope on consoles....