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Reading many of the responses, it seems like many did not read the OP very well (it was long, i'll give you that).

The point is not that a price cut in the PS3 will not help move units. Sure it will. Many.

The point is that the PS3 for almost two years enjoyed a status of "the only acceptable HD console" in the continental Europe market. The 360 had virtually no traction. If you wanted an HD console then the PS3 was the default choice. But that complete dominance is now gone and no PS3 price cut will correct it.

The price cut of the 360 was super important. It created such a gap between the 360 price point and the PS3 price point that forced the European gamers to pick it up and try it. But once they started doing it en-mass in September, the 3 years hesitiatations and bias about the 360 completely evaporated and they jumped all over it.

The old bias is gone. The 360 is an acceptable HD console in the continent, just like in the US or the UK.

This means that from here on, the HD competition in continental Europe will follow the same lines as the competition in the UK and in the USA where both consoles are viable in the market.

Yes, a price cut will help the PS3 compete, but the price cut will not help the PS3 regain its old dominance in Europe. It will just have a similar effect that it will have in the UK and the US - a tight race at best.

Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3