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Here it's been more like knowledge rather than acceptance. The PlayStation brand has been and still is well known, unlike the Xbox. On the net it's not even close to this but in real world it is. I don't know about other Europe, though, but I guess it might be pretty much the same.

Anyway, I wouldn't be so sure yet. PlayStation is still a huge name in Europe, and that's why I believe it will sell better when its price drops, even if the price is higher after the cut. Besides, the 360 doesn't have that many casual games that could attract new customers. Net services, on the other hand, are less known about and I'm sure people feel they're not as easy as simply buying a new game and putting it in the console. Oh, and credit cards aren't as common in Europe as they're in the US.

I believe MS has taken a good step but they're still not quite there. The casual player may still think there are no interesting games on the 360; there's only Lips (not that many would actually know what it is) and a few music playing games, and even then it's all about music. Still, the direction is good for MS. Sony just won't be beaten very easily - they're still strong.