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Well so far, I must say I'm really enjoying my 360! I feel a great new breath of fresh air since I got it. =D

I do have a few questions regarding my system though...

First of all, the disk drive wiggles the slightes bit when it's moving, but I'm told this is normal. Is that correct? Second, when I put in Fable 2 to play, the system (obviously) got louder since it's reading the disk. One thing that worries me about it though, is the system makes a slight grinding noise when it's playing the game. Is this normal? I'm kind of worried about playing any more games until I find an absolute answer to this, because I don't want any scratched disks!

One last thing, I won't be getting my HDD until Monday, so for now I have to live off of an SD card. I downloaded the LIVE updates, made a save file for Fable 2, and I downloaded an arcade game. It's all stored on my memory card. Once I get my HDD, will it be a simple and easy switch to get all that info onto the HDD from the memory card?

The faster I get these questions answered (especially the grinding noise), the better. Thanks guys! =D