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Gnizmo said:
trestres said:
@Gnizmo: The Zelda team always made 1 game at a time. It may be doing 2 games simoultaneously now, because before this happened, There was a 3rd party dev in charge of making the portable games. Capcom published them.

 Capcom has never once published a Zelda game. They developed a few with over sight from Nintendo but never published. I find it interesting though that you now admit it is possible for them to be working on more than one game at a time. So, perhaps, they have been working on this second Zelda game since they first mentioned it was in existence?


I think you just blew his freaking mind with that, I wouldn't doubt him questioning everything he's ever believed in now.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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