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I agree that by itself, it is no big loss. This game will not be missed much by the PS3 owners.

That said, we should consider the undelying dynamic and figure out if such moves might become more common with other titles as well.

So what do we have here?

  1. A small title with limited development budget.
  2. An also-run gaming platform with very limited market share and low attach rate that is notorious for its lack-of-ease of development.

Combine the two and you see that for low-budget production titles there is a good reason to just go with a 360 exclusively.

Again, this one title is no biggy, but if the process repeats enough times the 360 will eventually become the platform "that has all titles" and the PS3 will be the platform "that is lucky to get some of the titles". We are not there yet, but if Sony does not recover their sales soon, this might become a reality.


Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3