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It's part of their short term coasting strategy. Dropping support of 3rd parties in favorable of much higher earnings potential by investing that capital into 1st party games.

The side effect is that Sony won't be seeing many 3rd party exclusives, like they did during the PS2 years. The positive is Sony's first party games will potentially be more frequent and higher quality.

I think it's a bad move. It brings the Playstation brand down, not having many 3rd party exclusives. The end goal is to become similar to Nintendo, and I can tell you, Nintendo is very successful, but most people hate on Nintendo's lack of 3rd party support. I don't think it's an even trade. I believe that Sony is trading 3rd party exclusives for 1st party profit. I think that is the reason Sony lost DMC, GTA, FFXIII, and Tekken, and why they will continue to bleed 3rd party exclusives as long as they have them to lose.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.