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Over world:

What I want to see is something between Zelda WW and TP. With that I mean a huge part of land, some islands and an ocean of cores. And with this comes a hors and a boat or maybe the hors can transform to a boat and vise versa.

I want at least 9 temples/dungeons.

Weapons and other:

The master sword is a must but with new abilities, like being able to swing waves of fire, wind, water or something (Note not in the circular form we are used to but that can be used to). And to use that you would need the magic bar witch I really missed in TP. That and at least one more sword.

Bow and arrow with bomb add on like in TP and the boomerang

A hammer witch was absent from TP, but this one is so powerful that it moves the earth beneath the enemy.

I want the gloves that made Link look so powerful lifting those huge rocks and the pentagon shaped heavy long things stuck in the ground, lava and stuff.

Mirror shield is a must, it was so much fun fighting those two witches in OoT. Absorbing there attacks and mirroring it back at them that was epic! And a boss fight with something like that is a must for me.  

Slingshot like in TP was great but I want it so you cold have the ability so switch between something that stick to wood or something that grabs on to stuff.  

The ability to sneak MGS style witch was made in WW but removed from TP.

I want huge bosses out in the open Shadow of the Colossus style witch was made in TP but they where not that epic or huge. And I want them harder Nintendo not just three hits god damit!

Something that cold do what the masks did in MM like potions that turn you in to something.

The main enemy should be Gannon but he should play a more aggressive role than he did last time. And Zelda should be in desperate help, something that makes you want to get to hear fast.  

I have more but I think this is to much already and not allot of you like to read allot :P

So what do you want to see in the next Zelda?        

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(