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I am in the same boat. Once you get older and more established in life then you simply do not have the time to set 1-5 hours aside to play a friggin game. You're lucky some days to have 10-15 minutes.

So yes, I love the Wii and the games on it because for the majority of the games I own I can play in short, fun, bursts. Nor do I need to remember what the complicated control scheme was on a game I havn't played in 6 months because the controls are all pretty intuitive. Nor do I have to remember some complicated plot and where I was in it.

Now don't get me wrong, I would love a deep plot and lots of combat option if I had the time to sit for 1-2 hours a day and play through the game. But I don't. I have maybe 1-2 hours a week.

I also love playing with my kids. Or my girlfriend. Or my buddies. With Wii that's easy. There's lots of games we can all play together and enjoy together. 360 has a few, granted. But PS3? Sony went from the most socialable to the least.

So yes, you're not alone.