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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Am I alone in my joy of where gaming is going?

I am not asking for hate, or trying to say if you do not agree with me then you are wrong. I just want to see if there are others like me out there who feel the same as I do.  

I am not sure that I would consider myself a "hardcore" gamer as I am not really even sure what that means.  I have played video games since I was a kid and have owned The Odysey, Sega Master System, Sega Gamegear, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Sega 32X, Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, Xbox, NES, SNES, Nintendo 64, Gamcube, Gameboy, Gameboy Advance, DS, DS lite, and Nintendo Wii . . . and I guess I will throw in the iPhone as well.  

I have played my share of games, but I am older now having turned 30 this year and my life sure has changed.  I have never been one to play online games or attend LAN parties, this just never really appealed to me.  I am a sole gamer most of the time, with the exception in local multiplayer outings like Mario Kart and Wii Sports.  I also have never gotten into RPG's, I just cannot stand the turn based fighting with the exception of the Paper Mario series and the Mario and Luigi games on DS.

I love Nintendo and always have over any other gaming platform.  They deliver what I want in gaming, fun games without all the blood and guts, sex and profanity, and now casual titles like Wii sports and Link's Crossbow training.

There is a lot of hate right now for where the industry is going with the casual market, and some of the crap that we are getting in games I admit I do not like.  For the most part, though, I am pretty happy with how things have changed, and if it were not for this change, I might would have left gaming for good.  

Like I said, I am 30 now plus I am married and have 2 children.  I just do not have the time nor want to take the time to spend countless hours with gaming like I did when I was younger.  I like that there are so many good to great games out there that are just pick up and play, I mean, I do not have to spend hours learning the buttons combos, or die a hundred times on a level I just cannot get past.  I like being able to sit down in the evening every so often and pick up and play something and enjoy it for 20-30 minutes and put it down for later. 

This market direction is why I will pick up my first animal crossing game on Wii because it has been toned down to peak the interest of gamers like me.

 I know there are a lot of you out there that just do not feel this way, but I want to hear from those who do.  

My Tag: 2 Timothy 3:1

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Every second 2 people die . . . What if this is your second?

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No, you're not alone. This is a great time to play games, probably better than at any other time in the history of the medium.

Gaming is growing up. It's wonderful.

Your definitely not alone. Just look at the millions of people who own the Wii. I don't particularly like the Wii myself, and yes I do own a Wii. I just don't find wand waving as any more enjoyable than using a controller (in fact I think the joystick is the best way to play fighter games period until we get true virtual reality and even that may turn out to be a big flop). To this day the dual analog playstation controller is still my favorite controller of all time. So I am right with people who enjoy their Wii because its got new innovative ways of playing games through controls, its just I differ in my preference.

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.

kazadoom said:

This market direction is why I will pick up my first animal crossing game on Wii because it has been toned down to peak the interest of gamers like me.


While I agree with your overall post, my problem with Nintendo is a complete and utter stubbornness on their part to make any real substantive changes.  Animal Crossing City Folk has not been toned down at all.  Because toning a game down requires actual work.  What Nintendo has done this time is to just repackage the DS game and include a microphone just so that they can keep touting their "innovation".  I hate that my son made me buy the same old game again.

Imaging what Animal Crossing would have been like, if Nintendo had made the CIty like a real city, where other gamers from other towns gather and interact in real time.  And if you could go into an arcade there, and spend bells there to play classic NES games.  A toned down version of PlayStation Home if you will.

Imagine what Wii music would be like, if we could actually write our own compositions and then play them for the world.  A musical Little Big Planet if you will.

I would like to see some real innovation on their part for a change.  Unfortunately they are facing no real competition at this time, so the only real work for them left to do is count the money each day.

I feel the same way

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In "Kung Fu" for the Nes, I kicked an old man's head completely off. Nintendo's wholesome persona is a sham.

I'm with you, OP.

I like your sega support in the early years... hi 5! :)

rajendra82 said:
kazadoom said:

This market direction is why I will pick up my first animal crossing game on Wii because it has been toned down to peak the interest of gamers like me.


While I agree with your overall post, my problem with Nintendo is a complete and utter stubbornness on their part to make any real substantive changes.  Animal Crossing City Folk has not been toned down at all.  Because toning a game down requires actual work.  What Nintendo has done this time is to just repackage the DS game and include a microphone just so that they can keep touting their "innovation".  I hate that my son made me buy the same old game again.

Imaging what Animal Crossing would have been like, if Nintendo had made the CIty like a real city, where other gamers from other towns gather and interact in real time.  And if you could go into an arcade there, and spend bells there to play classic NES games.  A toned down version of PlayStation Home if you will.

Imagine what Wii music would be like, if we could actually write our own compositions and then play them for the world.  A musical Little Big Planet if you will.

I would like to see some real innovation on their part for a change.  Unfortunately they are facing no real competition at this time, so the only real work for them left to do is count the money each day.


You're complaining more about the fact alot of these things are friends (friend codes) only. I think what you are harping on has alot to do with Nintendo's conservative nature. Their biggest concern with an online community, like you envision, is kids and safety. Thats one thing nintendo will never compromise on is providing a "fun" and "safe" experience. Like Reggie mention, they do have a vision for online community and it will be different from their competitor.


sidenote: Why is it that Animal Crossing gets beat on for only having marginal improvements, but games like Call Of Duty, or Madden doesn't seen to raise the same ruckus lately? ...I call bullshit.

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

...Btw, like the OP I was pretty much out of console gaming, and PC gaming up until this year was being to not excite me. The Wii did bring that back, for Wii sports alone almost, lol.

another sidenote: I think traditional gamers is what Sega is banking on next year in regards to their upcoming releases.

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?