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fjburgos said:
disolitude said:

On my lunch break I went to see whats new at BB and FS here in downtown Toronto (Canada) and I noticed that PS3 has new bundles available. This one...

They were proudly on display next to the Xbox pros and elites. Now this bundle was talked about here quite a bit and has a 160 GB hard drive and Uncharted. the price for this bundle here in Canada is 519 dollars + tax.

I'm sorry but thats just rediculous. I don't know of too many gamers that are so "hardcore" and would need a 160 gig hard drive in their ps3...yet are not "hardcore" enough to know that its cheaper to buy the 399 model and a 250-320 gig hard drive and swap it yourself. Also, the fact that this new model doesn't have backwards compatibility is quite a shame.

When the xbox360 is available for 299 for a model that offers the whole xbox360 experience, which is arguably as good as anything PS3 is offering if not better, having a bundle that is 220 more expensive is just madness. Especially in todays financial times...

Not to mention that the 360 comes with 4 games (lego, panda, dark sector, enchanted arms) and is available for 199 if you want to do casual gaming that also comes with those 4 games.

I can safely make a prediction at this point that PS3 will get a bloody nose this holiday season in terms of sales...atleast in North America. I am hoping they are atleast pulling a large profit for each console sold...then it may all be worth it.


 Putting garbage games like that would make people who buy the console think thinks if this are the kind of games the 360 have to ofer because they will quickly go a return the console.

Yeah, you are right... People wouldn't want to try gears of war 2, fable 2 and Halo 3 before they sell their xbox360.