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There are definitions that are implicit, and their are definitions that are explicit. It really is true that it does somewhat depend on your point of view. However we all know what a hardcore gamer is implicitly even if we do not have measurements of exactitude. Just in the same we implicitly understand what game is geared towards which market.

The irony of this debate is simple we have a forum that is ninety five percent hardcore gamers. The fact that you spend many hours each week discussing gaming is proof enough. I also think we understand which consoles cater to the more extreme even if you do not play on an extreme console you can still be a hardcore player. Just a hardcore player that prefers casual games.

Being hardcore is either a title of self esteem, or a title of belittlement. Basically being a hardcore gamer also entitles you to such wonderful titles as dork, nerd, and freak. The hardcore gamer is no different from the gear head, the fetishist, or the gun enthusiast. All we really are talking about is the level of degree. How obsessive are you about gaming.