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KichiVerde said:
bdbdbd said:
@Yushire: The genres aren't going anywhere. By the looks of the current state of shooters, a lot of the shovelware will exit the market and the best-selling franchises will stay, since the "easy money" is found somewhere else. This basically isn't similar change that the industry experienced a decade ago, when the games that were lost were 2D games. The way how the games are played, will change, but the genres itself don't. There just will be a larger diversity of games.

Nintendo haven't lost the core gamer, atleast not with Wii, they only have won them back.

And no, Nintendo did not forget the core in the first two years. They actually did better, than they did with N64 and GC. People have already forgot N64, but GC started well with 3rd party support, unlike Wii, so the ones who forgot the core gamer, was actually the 3rd parties.

I guess we all have been there when the change makes one doubting the future.



Im sorry to be the one to tell you this but Nintendo failed the hardcore gamer when they decided to opt out on advanced hardware.  After walking the streets of Jerusalem in Assassins' Creed or Launching an airbone strike in COD4, I could never look at a Wii game seriously again. Even a game like No More Heroes which is adult themed just looked silly and out dated. Or how about Zelda.  It was basically a Gamecube game with tacked on Wii controls. I liked the game but I have absolutely no desire to play it again. The older ones much better.  They were the finest most colorful games at the time.  And how about the original Mario Kart and its use of Mode 7 graphics.  It was simply amazing. Or the 64 version and its incredible 3-D courses.There was no other game like it.  But the new Mario Kart is just too out there, and the graphics are uninspiring.  Even SSBB was not so much of a visual improvement over SSBM.And Mario Galaxy.  Why doesnt anyone talk?  Its annoying having to read lame mundane text all the time when we are in the 7th generation of console gaming.  Im sorry I cant deal with Nintendo and all their current mute, kiddy characters represented by subpar graphics.  It worked fine in the 16 but generation, but that time has ended.

And dont get me started with their God awful online system.  In the case of SSBB and Mario Kart, their two hugest multiplayer games they totally ruined the online aspect with their lame policies regarding matchmaking.  The game makers were thinking only about kids and safety while us loyal fans from the past who have become adults were never added in to the equation. And while some of their third party games are a bit better in terms of online, they still cannot compare to the XBox360 or even PS3.

Nintendo has instead chosen to focus on their wii remote and wireless functionality.  Perhaps it will amount to something in the future, but for now it is just plain silly.  Aside from shooters, the wii remote is tiresome for long hours of play.  And the Wii fit,  Im sorry I used it used but all I could think was that I could get 10 times a better workout by stepping outside and going for a jog. Or even taking a walk. Working out in front of a television set is about as stupid as exercising to Richard Simmons or Taebo. And the Wii Fit along with the console itself is overpriced. Meanwhile Xbox360 and PS3 are selling at a loss. They are giving gamers more for less.

I loved the NES, SNES, 64 and Gamecube. They were incredible consoles that provided me with countless hours of fun and entertainment.  I had every reason to want to like the Wii, but it just slowly got lamer and lamer as superior titles came out on the other systems. If you like the Wii fine. But I am disappointed with it. For those of us who are older and appreciate the finer aspects of gaming the Wii cannot satisfy our needs. Wii is like the Budweiser of the gaming world.  Its heavily marketed, cheap and easy to drink down so it has a wide appeal, but after you try better beers you can never go back to it.

I have to go find my Jumbo Wii Bingo Board. After reading this, I'll be playing on it for a while.


Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."