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Fumanchu said:
I still feel that Sony Pictures playing along with the new craze of digital distribution can't be helping the future success of Blu-ray. It's not only Netflix/360 but the newly released Blockbuster set-top box as well, which is meant to retail for $99 - one can only assume that Sony Pictures supports them as well. A single box connected to your tv with a limitless supply of new content seems much more appealing and convenient then having to go to the store to rent/buy a new movie and average Joe consumer will quickly adopt on word of mouth value. Perhaps they've just got to accept it as an inevitability and a sign of the times that it's here to stay so no use trying to fight it.

What nobody bothered noticing in the mudslinging of Blu-ray vs HD-DVD was that the REAL next gen format battle was NetFlix vs BlockBuster. With digital on-demand services, the proliferation of IPTV, PDRs, and subscription based unlimited movie delivery now going digital, physical film media is going to fall by the wayside, much like what has happened in the music industry. To me, the whole thing is somewhat reminiscent of Sony trying to push MiniDiscs when the whole world discovered MP3 players.