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I was driving this during a mission trip.

My partner smoked pot the night before and was woozy. No, I wasn't there and didn't find out until after the trip was nearly over. He woke me up and said I had to drive. I got into the van and drove to get these two missionary women. They weren't there. So, I hauled back to the church. I hit this dip in the road, the van caught some serious air (I hit it like 50mph), fishtailed, hit a car - car's bumper hit a tree, bounced off a wall and hit a truck from behind. Happened in less than a second - my partner said it - but for me, as soon as I hit the dip, everything slowed down. My partner was screaming in slow mo - WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I looked back at the area ahead and went forward over the steering wheel.

I was like 'Lord, I can't believe I am about to die. However, I am ready to come home. Let Your will, not my will, be done. In Jesus name I pray, amen.' and I braced to fly through the windshield, and hit the back of the truck's cab I hit or shoot over the cab and into the road. Either way, at the rate of speed, I wasn't expecting to survive.

As soon as we hit (I wasn't wearing my seatbelt), I flew backward and pulled the van into reverse by accident. Everything went real-time again. I hit the brake and just shrivered - my mouth was open and nothing came out. My partner said 'Hit the brake,' and I did. Then, he said 'Put it into park' but my hands were froze to the wheel.

I literally watched my life flash before my eyes. From that day forward, I live every day like it's my last. No regrets.