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"1) It's all speculation, but SE doesn't "favor" Sony products, they favor the market leader. If they favored Sony products then their handheld development wouldn't be OVERWHELMINGLY in support of the DS. PSP has seen nothing but ports from SE, an FF7 prequel and an FF fighter. SE has and will ditch a platform when they can. The only reason they were developing on Wonderswan was because they were still at odds with Nintendo. As soon as Yamauchi was gone and they patched things up, Square took a nice steamy dump on the Wonderswan Color by canceling their FF3 project and hightailing it to the GBA. Years later, that FF3 revival shows up on the DS..."

Really, the market leader?? so i suppose Sony was the market leader when Squaresoft decided to dump nintendo due to the transition from cartridge to CD??? and i suppose that you also think SquareEnix is going to halt developement on FF13 and FF13:versus so they can just release it on the Wii?? Nintendo IS the market leader right now arent they??? Hrmmm, but there's also the point that sony has the 4th most shares in SquareEnix..but i guess that doesn't mean that Sony has ANY influence on what's going on.. And as far as the PSP, you talk as if a prequel to the most popular and best selling FF franchise is second rate material...

Now don't get me wrong, even a child can see that if sales continue to slide for the PS3, SquareEnix may end up putting an axe through any PS3 developement. But don't you think their commitment as far as their flagship titles still being PS3 exclusives, the total opposite to favoring the market leader. I mean c'mon,lets look at the facts, the PS3 has the lowest install base of any of the platforms that is availible for Square to even make games on. Yet SquareEnix has developed an engine that will solely be on the PS3.


"2) Actually, Dinsey not only owns all the original characters but they have every say in the development, they just choose not to. After all, they made the agreement with Square to make the game in the first place, it wouldn't make sense for them to try and take over development halfway through. That would kind of make Square pointless. On the other hand, they can and have made KH games without Square at all. KH mobile was all Disney. Nomura even warned beforehand that it could happen and to ignore the storylines of games he wasn't involved in. Because of that, KHMobile is completely non-canon to the KH franchise (for those wondering, KHM was set during KH1, so it was a midquel). So, Disney isn't going to jeopardize the quality of the main series but they've clearly demonstrated that they have no qualms making their own KH games on the side. "

Disney does not own ALL the original characters, atleast not anymore than SquareEnix. Both Square AND Disney have published the games in the past, but you are correct and said it best. I was wrong to say that disney had "no say", that came out wrong. what i meant to say was that Disney role in terms of actual game development was minimal as they left that to SquareEnix. Disney's involvement with the series seemed very much like they just allowed squareenix to use disney's original property and studios so they could recieve their cut of the check at days end. which was the right choice since i doubt Disney would be as dumb as to tinker around with a multimillion dollar franchise out of nowhere when everything was fine to begin with but like you said, if they wanted to they could. Bottom line is that KH is a joint project between BOTH disney and square, disney is not the boss of squareenix nor do they completely own the KH franchise and the same goes for squareenix. They will both have to agree on what platform the third game will be on, unless disney wants to put out a game without squareenix characters.


"3) You need to calm down. No one's trying to spread rumors. Like I said before, everything in this thread is nothing but speculation. Nobody's trying to pass KH on Wii off as factual. The fact of the matter is, though, that the people arguing that Disney's recent fascination with Nintendo platforms having an implication on KH3 is a much better argument than those people that claim no one with a PS2 is going to buy a Wii, or that people will be confused if KH3 isn't on PS3."

I am as calm as tree....however,,, YOU were the one saying the game was coming to the Wii in the first place. And like I said before, the point that disney has a recent interest in the nintendo Wii is hardly anything solid. One can argue that disney has solid relations with all 3 of the nextgen consoles due to their recent distribution moves. I would also like to remind you that i'm not ruling out KH3 on anyother platform . It is a possibility, and a respectable one, i just want to make sure people don't read into the whole KH3 on the Wii too much to where heavy speculation turns into another rumor.