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Fumanchu said:
twesterm said:
leo-j said:
Doesnt sony own columbia pictures? This is a bad move for them IMO, its hurting the PSN because now XBL contains all of sony's movies, giving the PSN little to no advantage in the Downloadable movie market.


For the 100th time, Sony Pictures and Sony Gaming are two completely different entities.  I've been saying this all along.

It only hurts Sony Pictures by not letting 360 owners stream their content through Netflix.  True, it could help Sony Gaming, but Sony Pictures would rather let them both have the service.


I can understand that, however shouldn't someone high up enough in the Sony hierarchy be able to see that Sony Pictures offering their movies through digital distribution and on a competitors format is hurting the profitability and future success of the other divisions, namely Sony Electronics trying to get higher Blu-ray adoption and Sony Gaming PSN trying to offer a better exclusive content than it's rival in Xbox Live.

For the sake of one divisions increased revenue they're risking the attractivness and future of 2 others...hmmm interesting.



Actually, ignore my last comment.  Here's a much easier way to think of it:

  • If Sony Pictures doesn't allow Netflix streaming to the 360, Sony Pictures and Sony Gaming doesn't make any more or less money.  Sony as a whole does not look as good.
  • If Sony Pictures does allow Netflix streaming to the 360, Sony Gaming doesn't make any more or less money, but Sony Pictures makes more money.  Sony Pictures is better off, Sony Gaming is in the same place, and Sony as a whole looks better.